Benefits of using tomato paste
as you know ,Tomato paste will be obtained from several different tomato extracts, so it is considered to berich in antioxidants that can prevent the activity of free radicals in the body and prevention of aging and various diseases. In addition to being an essential spice, tomato paste is also an appetizer as well as a booster to the body's nervous system, and helps to open the arteries as well as strengthen the body's general health.
How to use tomato paste
Tomato paste is commonly used as a condiment and is used in many foods. People who suffer from allergies to tomatoes can use a little boiled water to concentrate the tomato paste and then use it. Tomato paste is able to eliminate the unpleasant taste of meat or chicken and is an Inseparable part of all kinds of stews as well as delicious soups. You can roast the tomato paste or pour it into boiling water and enjoy the taste.
Tomato paste and salt
Net weight: 17 کیلوگرم
Brix: بدون نمک کمینه25-نمک:1.5%
نوع بسته بندی: قوطی فلزی
تاریخ مصرف: 1 سال
تعداد در هر بسته: 1 عدد
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